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Plymouth coaching session

01st Jan 2019

New year's revolution

In 2019, stuff your sacrificial new year’s resolutions and join the Climbing Hangar’s new year revolution.
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Free solo

17th Dec 2018

Free Solo

Free Solo went on general release on 14th December, and the Hangar was out in force to see the previews. Hangar Tess gave us the lowdown on the climbing film of, well, probably the century.
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Alex in Plymouth

05th Dec 2018

Growing the Hangar

The Climbing Hangar has secured a new climbing venue in Swansea
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Owen McShane

27th Nov 2018

Owen McShane

Meet Owen/ Soured-O’s/ The Bread Man/ Skinny Dog/ The Walking Guidebook/ Treebeard/ Scouse Owen. He goes under many aliases. He climbs whites.
Liverpool North People
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Shauna climbing

21st Nov 2018

Core blimey: essential training and the centre of climbing success

Shauna Coxsey’s core workout has been shaping abs at the Hangar for four years. We want to share the secrets.
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Group climbing

10th Nov 2018

Why bouldering is good for you

Fun, inclusive and good for you, bouldering is about exercising your mind as much as your body.
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Competition climbing

24th Oct 2018

Nine tips to help you beast your first competitive event

Bouldering competitions aren't all about winning, and for new climbers they can be a masterclass in technique.
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Shauna climbing in Plymouth

07th Aug 2018

Funding heralds the next phase of the Hangar

The Hangar secures funding to drive growth, community and loads of fun across the UK
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Climbers' foot on a small hold

04th Jul 2018

Slab skills

Get to grips with slab climbing with our handy skills videos
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Winning at The Hangar

15th Jun 2018

Why you should do a climbing competition

Why compete? We're often put off competing for fear of scoring badly or looking silly, but is winning the only reason we compete?
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Mick with mug

11th Apr 2018

Meet Mick - Liverpool General Manager

Mick joined us in December 2017 - get to know him.
Liverpool North People
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Good stuff text

07th Dec 2017

Where good stuff happens

Working at The Climbing Hangar is so much more than a job
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